
What is the use of Ultrasonic Testing (UT)?

2024-03-19 15:27:47 231



Ultrasonic testing can be used to detect various issues and defects within materials, including but not limited to:
Cracks and Crack Clusters: Ultrasonic testing is capable of detecting cracks, crack clusters, or crack propagation in materials, aiding in the prevention of fatigue failure.
Pores and Inclusions: It can reveal internal defects such as pores, bubbles, and inclusions in materials, helping to assess the quality and reliability of the material.
Foreign Objects and Impurities: UT can detect foreign objects, impurities, or extraneous matter within materials, ensuring the safety and integrity of the product.
Structural Changes: It can detect structural changes, material delamination, corrosion levels, and other conditions within materials, aiding in the assessment of the material's condition.
Weld Quality: UT can be used to evaluate the quality of welded joints, including weld integrity, weld defects, and other issues, ensuring the reliability of welded components.
Thickness Measurement: UT can measure the thickness of materials, determining whether they meet specified thickness requirements.
UT (Ultra Sonic Test) SEP 1921-84 is a commonly used non-destructive testing standard. According to this standard, UT inspections can be classified into three levels: C, D, and E.
Class C is the most basic level, primarily suitable for simple UT detection tasks such as surface defects, evaluation of base materials, and weld quality.
Class D is more complex and can be used for UT detection of various workpieces, including base materials, welded joints, forgings, castings, etc. It indicates that the detected defects fall within the specified range but their size and shape have not yet been determined. (Level 1 flaw detection)
Class E is the highest level, suitable for complex UT detection tasks such as ultrasonic phased array testing and other challenging tasks. It indicates that the size, shape, and location of the defects have been determined, and detailed records and analyses have been conducted. (Level 2 flaw detection)